torsdag 28. april 2011

Gore, Ex-Apple Engineers Team Up to Blow Up the Book

torsdag 28. april 2011
Push Pop Press, a digital creation tool designed to blow up the concept of the book. Frictionless self-publishing is a fertile new space but this particular startup got a little help from former Vice President Al Gore, who’s exacting demands an an app version of his book Our Choice: A Plan to Solve the Climate Crisis gave what would become the company it’s first real boost.

Developed by former Apple employees Mike Matas and Kimon Tsinteris, Push Pop Press will be a publishing platform for authors, publishers and artists to turn their books into interactive iPad or iPhone apps — no programming skills required.

“The app is the richest form of storytelling,” Matas said. Push Pop Press “opens doors to telling a story with more photos, more videos and interactions.”

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